The models is quite OK, very easy assembly and nice details. I have replaced bolts on the back side and added a weld (As seen on reference pictures I have)
It is almost assembled, I only need to add some small detail and make wheels + tracks.
Richard Cramer wrote:Hi there Sven,
The build looks good so far.
I would have made the weld from the same kind of strip you made the bolts from. To me, the weld looks too thick. If you look at my Panzer III, you see I used 0.3mm Evergreen strip (round). I cut in size and used some Tamiya extra thin to position it. Once you've got in place, you soften it some more with Tamiya extra thin. Then you use something sharp to get the structure in it.
With the weld on this SU-100 I would use 0.5mm rod instead.
Keep us posted, I will follow this one.
greetings, Richard.
Tom Neeson wrote:Looking good Sven! I'm no expert on Russian armor, but do you have the exhausts on upside down?